Tuesday 1 December 2015

My favorite holiday is Coming of age day!! This holiday celeblate 20 years old. When Japanese people become 20 years old, we are admitted adult, so we can drink alcohol, and smoking. we can also join politics. The ceremony are hold in each other Japanese area, so we can meet old friends. After ceremony, we gather each junior high school, or high school, and we go to party!!! we wear nice dress, and drink alcohol! I enjoyed the party last year! we kept chatting all night!


  1. I'll do it after back to Japan, but you...? How old are you?

  2. I'm looking forward to attending this ceremony.

  3. I thought Shiho is same old....Coming of age day is past...haha

  4. so what do you want to do, drink alcohol or smoke????

  5. I turned 20, but I cannot attend this ceremony X( I wanted to join it..

  6. I think this is the blog entry for next week! Do you have a blog entry about wedding traditions? (Look for "Blog Topic 8" on the class blog.)
